on Saturday 2 November, 2024

UN report confirms what revealed by Yemen's (P.T.O.C) Platform regarding the smuggling of Africans by Houthis

(Credit: Getty images)
by : Yemen Details

The final report of the United Nations expert team on Yemen (the Sanctions Committee) revealed that the Houthis exploit irregular Ethiopian migrants, forcing them to join their ranks, fight against the Yemeni government, and engage in drug trafficking activities.

The Platform for Tracking Organized Crime and Money Laundering in Yemen (P.T.O.C) had uncovered documents, information, and data for the first time about the Houthi external expansion project in the Horn of Africa, directly managed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard with coordination and supervision from the Lebanese Hezbollah militia. The report detailed the Houthi terrorist group's activities outside Yemen, starting with arms smuggling, recruiting Africans, training camps, and using them in their intelligence and terrorist expansion activities.

According to a report presented by the Sanctions Committee to the UN Security Council, there are 92,000 irregular migrants in the southern provinces, and it was confirmed that the Houthis have also recruited mercenaries from the Ethiopian Tigray and Oromo tribes, with salaries ranging from $80 to $100.

The Houthis are evaluating options for carrying out attacks at sea from the Somali coast to expand their operational area, and are working to strengthen their ties with the terrorist group Al-Shabaab to achieve this goal. The report highlighted increasing smuggling activities between the Houthis and Al-Shabaab, mostly involving small arms and light weapons.

The report indicated that the possession of weapons of the same models and with sequential numbers from the same batches by both groups either suggests illegal transfer of weapons between them, a common supplier, or both. The cooperative efforts between the Houthis and Al-Shabaab in smuggling and illegal transportation of weapons were deemed to threaten peace and security in Yemen and the region.

The second part of the report "External expansion path and the Horn of Africa of Houthi terrorism" issued by the Platform for Tracking Organized Crime and Money Laundering in Yemen (P.T.O.C), revealed that the Houthi terrorist militia works through a network of smugglers to transport African refugees to and from Yemen and neighboring Gulf countries, imposing financial tributes on the refugees collected by smugglers and handed over to Houthi security leaders, with the cost of smuggling an individual ranging from $200 to $500.